Silver-washed Fritillary butterfly (Argynnis paphia) sitting on a daisy.

Membership renewals

Thank you for being a valued member of Windsor Great Park. Your support contributes to maintaining and enhancing the Great Park and its facilities. We’re grateful for your contribution and hope you continue to enjoy all the wonderful benefits of your membership.

Members of Windsor Great Park and Friends of The Savill Garden can renew membership online. Find out more below.

Member of Windsor Great Park and Friend of The Savill Garden

If you are retaining your existing membership, the easiest way to renew, is online. You can do this within thirty days prior, and within thirty days after, the expiry date of your membership.

If you wish to change your membership, for example, from Individual Member to Joint Members, you will need to do this at The Savill Garden Visitor Centre or Virginia Water Gift Shop.

Renew membership
Deer Stag in Windsor Great Park Forest.
Aerial view of The Deer Park, Windsor Great Park.

Horse Riding

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Carp Fishing Syndicate

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

The Long Walk on a summer evening with Windsor Castle in the background.

Membership renewal frequently asked questions

What are the terms and conditions of membership?
Where can I find the expiry date of my membership?

The expiry date of your membership can be found at the bottom of every email that we have sent you. Alternatively, please ask a member of the team at The Savill Garden Gift Shop & Plant Centre and Virginia Water Gift Shop.

Can I renew after my expiry date?

If you wish to renew your membership you must do so within thirty days prior, and within thirty days after, the expiry date of your membership.

Can I upgrade my membership to include a second cardholder?

Adding a second cardholder to your membership can only be done at the time of renewal. Please ask a member of the team at The Savill Garden Visitor Centre or Virginia Water Gift Shop, who will do this for you.

If I pay by direct debit, when will payment be taken?

Direct Debit payments will always come out of your account on the first day of the month. We will notify you at least ten working days prior to your renewal so that you have the time to update us with any changes.

Can two individuals use a membership card to park at Windsor Great Park?

Membership allows you to share your membership card within the same household to park your car at any of these Windsor Great Park car parks:

  • The Savill Garden
  • Wick Road (Members only)
  • Virginia Water
  • Virginia Water South 
  • Ranger’s Gate and Cranbourne Gate

The other benefits of membership can only be used by the individual whose photo is on the membership card.

Do Joint Members or Friends need to live at the same address ?

Joint Members or Friends do not need to live at the same address. When deciding if this is right for you, please note that it is the Primary Member or Friend who manages the Joint Membership including :

  • Paying for membership
  • Receiving all email communications. For example, visitor updates and renewal reminders

If the Secondary Member would like to receive regular news & offers to their own email address they will need to sign up to the Windsor Great Park email newsletter at the bottom of this website page.

I have lost my membership card.

Please let a member of the team know at The Savill Garden & Adventure Play Visitor Centre or Virginia Water Gift Shop and they will issue a new one for you. There is a charge of £7.50 to do this. (If you are renewing your membership and have lost your card, there will be no charge).

I’ve changed address.

Please email membership and we will update our system.

Windsor Great Park
Windsor Great Park

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