King Offa's Oak tree supported by struts.


The Windsor Estate spans 6,400 hectares (15,800 acres), of sweeping parkland, award winning gardens, forests, forest trails, and ancient woodland. It has been practicing sustainable land use for hundreds of years and our focus has never been stronger given changing global temperatures.

Climate change impacts both our day-to-day and strategic planning across The Windsor Estate. For example, our Gardens Team routinely consider drought resistance and ‘xeriscaping’ in any long term planning. We were the first ‘dry’ landscaped garden in the United Kingdom, (a dry garden that uses drought-tolerant planting to eliminate the need for irrigation) – this eases pressure on water resources and reduces pollution.

Tall blue and white flowers sit in the Dry Garden area of the Savill Garden.
John Anderson, Keeper of the Gardens

What is important is finding the right place and conditions for every plant. The right place for the right plant will mean a greater chance of surviving as our changing environment continues to challenge us. We need to be working towards diversifying and adapting to various conditions like xeriscaping in the Dry Garden or providing more canopy cover for woodland and shade plants, along with using mulches from our recycling yard to reduce weeds, keep the ground moist, and help establish our plants.

Delivering value

Find out more about what we’re doing to deliver the broadest possible value, (financial, social, environmental) for our customers, partners and the nation.

Hear from Judith Everett, Executive Director – Purpose, Sustainability & Stakeholder.
Hear from John Oliver, Parks Superintendent – The Windsor Estate

Balancing our commitments

Getting to net zero

Reducing our energy consumption

Biodiversity in our woodlands and forests

Waste Management

How we manage and reduce the waste we produce is vital in meeting our Net Zero goals.

We also encourage visitors to Windsor Great Park to be environmentally responsible, such as working with our supplier to offer discounts on takeaway hot drinks if visitors bring their own reusable mug.

We also process waste according to type, sorting it on site as follows:

Residential and commercial

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About The Crown Estate
The Crown Estate is a unique business with a diverse portfolio that stretches across the country. We actively manage our assets in line with our purpose: to create lasting and shared prosperity for the nation.

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