Battersea Old Windsor main reception.

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Battersea Dogs & Cats Home

Battersea will always be here for every dog and cat.

At Battersea, we take in every animal who needs us. We give each one lots of love and expert care and get to know their characters and quirks so we can find them a new home that’s just right for them.

All the knowledge we gather in our centres helps us to improve the lives of the animals we’ll never meet, through our work with other rescue organisations and charities. We also help people make informed choices when getting a pet, provide training and welfare advice, as well as campaign for changes in the law when we see that dogs and cats or their owners deserve better.

We want to be here for every dog and cat, wherever they are, for as long as they need us.

Battersea cat with a staff member.


+44 (0)800 001 4444

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